Welcome to Glencovitt National School

Glencovitt N.S. is situated on the southern uplands above the Twin Towns of Ballybofey and Stranorlar. The school receives its name from the town land of Glencovitt or in gaelic “Gleann” meaning glen or valley and Coimhéad” meaning “look out”.

Take a look at our website and you will find lots of information about our school. Our school, was established in 1947. We have 67pupils on the roll with a staff of 6 including 4 teachers, 1 SNA and 1 secretary. The School has a strong ethos of Education, Sport and Drama.

If you require any further information about our school, please contact the school office.



Events taking place in the school year.



A selection of images from the school.



View our school enrolment policy.

Catholic Primary Religious Education Curriculum

For the first time in the history of Catholic primary education schools in Ireland have been offered, in the form of a curriculum, a structured outline for Religious Education and Faith Formation. It is the first formal Religious Education curriculum for all Catholic preschools and primary schools in the whole island of Ireland. Jesus Christ is at the heart of all activity in a Catholic school. Religious Education is not just one of the many areas of the curriculum but the basis of the entire educational process.

Catholic Education is directed towards the growth of the whole person in the context of the relationship with God in Jesus Christ. Its purpose is to form people of love, care and compassion; who will serve the world by their gifts.


Christian Faith

The announcement of the good news of Jesus Christ.


The Word of God

The introduction of children in an age – appropriate way to Sacred Scripture in the life of the Church.


Liturgy / Prayer

Talking and listening to God and getting to know and love God better.


Christian Morality

Helping your children to grow into loving, forgiving people using Jesus as a model for living an ethical life.

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