General Information
Emergency Closing
If the school must close due to a central heating failure or snow, etc, a text message from the school will be sent to your mobile phone. The other situation that might arise is that the emergency may only be discovered by teachers when they enter the school. Should this happen you will be informed at the school gates. If children arrive alone they will be supervised until such time as a parent/guardian can collect them.
Green Schools
We are a Green Flag School and are continuing with our Environmental Projects.
Parents are asked not to park in front of the school’s gates as this is a pedestrian exit and is clearly marked by a yellow box.
Lost Property
Please mark all your child’s possessions with their name so that school staff can return any lost and found items promptly.
Educational Assessment and Learning Support
Glencovitt N.S. is supported by an Educational Psychologist. If we have serious concerns about a child’s behavior or educational progress we may contact the psychologist for advice. This is always done with parental permission. Some children may need to be assessed by the psychologist. Again parents are fully informed and permission is sought from parents before this takes place. The school also has a Learning Support Teacher who will assist children who are having difficulty in English and Mathematics. Should your child need extra help you will be consulted and your permission sought before the process begins.
The Staff of Glencovitt N.S. comprises of:
Mrs Martina Mallon – Principal
Ms. Gráinne Houston – Deputy Principal
Mrs Kathleen Kelly-McIntyre
Ms. Angela Melaugh
Glencovitt National School has a full time Special Needs Assistant Ms. Susan Stewart and a part time secretary, Ms. Geraldine McGuinness who works from Monday to Friday 08.50 a.m. – 12 noon. We have one part time cleaner Mrs Pauline Lynch.
The school has a Roman Catholic Ethos and is under the patronage of the Bishop of Derry, Bishop Donal McKeown. The school is governed by a Board of Management, which was formed in 2011.
Board of Management 2023-2027
Chairperson: Mrs. Georgina O’Brien
Patron’s Representative: Fr. P. Arkinson
Parent Representatives: Mr. Jon Gilbert and Mrs. Elaine Dooley
Teacher Representative: Mrs. Martina Mallon, Mrs. Angela Melaugh
Community Representatives: Mr. Tony Gillespie, Mrs. Mena McHugh
Click here to view the Junior Cycle Information for Parents PDF
Support for Parents
The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) offers help and advice for parents who have difficulty reading, writing, spelling or doing math. They have a Freephone number parents can call 1800 20 20 65 or a website – parents can learn with their local ETB Adult Education Service or over the phone and online through NALA’s Distance Learning Service. All services are free.
Our Self-Evaluation Report and Improvement Plan
This document has three elements, it; 1. records the outcomes of our last improvement plan,2. Documents the findings of this self-evaluation, 3. presents our current improvement plan, including targets and actions we will implement to ensure success.
- Cursive handwriting is now being taught from 2nd Class onwards.
- Free Writing has now been established throughout the school
- In the senior classes, discrete teaching of the Creative Writing Genres are being taught
- The school is in the process of adopting the “Spelling Made Fun” programme as advised by the Inspector (1st – 6th Class )
- 52% of our pupils are either high average or very high average in their reading scores
- 72% of pupils are scoring at an average or above average reading score
- The average percentile score in reading is 68% compared to the national norm of 50 (1st – 6th Class)
We undertook Self-Evaluation of Teaching & Learning during the period 09/18 – 12/18. We evaluated the following aspect(s) of Teaching and Learning.
Domain: Learner Outcomes
Standard: Pupils have the necessary knowledge and skills to understand themselves and their relationships.
Domain: Learner Experiences
Standards: Pupils grow learners through respectful interactions and experiences that are challenging and supportive. Pupils experience opportunities to develop the skills and attitudes necessary for lifelong learning.
2.1 This is effective/very effective practice in our school.
Strengths of the school in teaching and learning
Pupils demonstrate an enquiring and open-minded attitude towards themselves and those
around them. This is evidenced by their positive attitude towards visitors, new-comer pupils
to our school.
Pupils are consulted through the Student Council.
Interactions among pupils and between pupils and teachers are very respectful and positive
and conducive to well-being.
Relationships and interactions in classrooms and learning area create and sustain a
co-operative, affirming and productive learning environment. This has been remarked upon
by the Department Inspector in her last Whole School Evaluation Report (2009)
Behaviour in the school is generally very good. Incidents of mis-behaviour are dealt with in
conjunction under the Code of Behaviour and the Anti-Bullying Policy. Pupils in the senior
Classes have been shown both these policies, and have had the main points explained to
Visitors to the school remark positively the manners of the children.
Parents of pupils have remarked positively on the conduct of the
children when they are leaving the school yard at home time.
Sports coaches have also commented positively on pupils’ behaviour.
Secondary school teachers have reported to the principal that they always knows a student
from our school by their manners.
Children engage positively with the shared education project with a local school of a different ethos.
They engage with recycling, food-dudes, music, drama, heritage and active school projects. They fundraise on regular occasions and have an input into the chosen charity. The Student Council has organised two fundraisers this year to raise money for their chosen aim i.e. sports equipment and buddy benches.
They engage in extra-curricular Gaelic coaching (seniors) run by a parent.
Pupils’ experiences as learners reflect consistently well on how the Code of Behaviour is understood and implemented.
Pupils contribute their opinions and experiences to class discussion with confidence. They are respectful of and interested in the opinions and experiences of their classmates.
They ask questions and suggest possible solutions very confidently. They are willing to risk incorrect responses, and understand the value of making mistakes and using these as learning opportunities.
They demonstrate a high level of motivation, and enjoy engaging and persisting with increasingly challenging work.
Pupils have an age appropriate understanding of the concept of lifelong learning and are well disposed to continuing education and training.
Pupils engage enthusiastically with democratic procedures established in the school e.g. Green School Committee, Active School Committee and the newly formed Student Council .
The Inspector noted the school was a “positive, caring community which effectively nurtures the all-round development of its happy, confident pupils.” It was also noted that “pupils are valued members of the school community and are treated with respect. Students are eager and motivated in their learning. During this evaluation, expectations of behaviour were very clear and the pupils co-operated fully with the school’s rules and Code of Behaviour.
These are the aspects of teaching and learning the school has identified and prioritised for further improvement, they are all connected to the theme of Wellness and behaving actively and responsibly as a digital citizen.
Physical education/S.P.H.E. whole school planning and timetable will be implemented in these subject areas so each strand is completed in a systematic and cyclical fashion. This was trialled successfully between Jan. ’19 and June ’19 and will be implemented again for the school year 2019 – 2020.
2.Digital Learning
Every pupil will use Digital Technology to create one piece of Digital Content.
3.Review of Critical Incident Policy
This policy has been reviewed and was ratified by the Board of Management in May 2019. Staff have discussed the Policy. Each staff member has received a copy of the policy and knows what role(s) has been assigned to them. “Ready to go” packs have been prepared for families and teachers in the event of a critical incident.
Our Improvement Plan
On the next page we have recorded:
- The targets for improvement we have set
- The actions we will implement to achieve these
- Who is responsible for implementing, monitoring and reviewing our improvement plan
- How we will measure progress and check outcomes (criteria for success)
- As we implement our improvement plan we will record:
- The progress made, and adjustments made, and when
- Achievement of targets (original and modified), and when
Our Improvement Plan
Timeframe of this improvement plan is from June 2018 – June 2020
Timeframe of this improvement plan is from June 2018 – June 2020
Targets | Actions | Persons/groups
Responsible |
Criteria for success | Progress and adjustments | Targets achieved |
Each pupil will experience a full treatment of all strands of both the Physical Education and Social, Personal and Health Education Subjects | Whole school planning in which teachers collaborate with each other. Teachers have a set timetable of which strands and strand units need to be covered each term | All staff | Everyone knows what they should be doing and when. Timetables distributed to each teacher.
Evidence from Cuntas Míosúil in S.P.H.E. and P.E. |
Phased from June ’18 – Jun ‘19
Adjusted March ’19 for full implementation in Sept. ’19 – June ’20 Discussed at each staff meeting from Sep. ‘19 |
On Going |
All staff members to be aware of and active in the Critical Incident Management Plan | All staff review Critical Incident Policy and agree their role within it, B.O.M ratify it, each staff member take
Possession of Critical Incident folder |
D.P. Staff Secretary B.O.M. |
Clear procedures established and communicated to relevant persons | Ratified policy May ‘19 |
The SSE plan was ratified by the Board of Management at the May meeting. It was communicated to parents via the school website and textaparent. Feedback is to be sent to the Principal who will be reviewing progress periodically until June 2020.
Persons Responsible
Deputy Principal II
School Secretary
Criteria for Success
Confidence in dealing with a Critical Incident Effectively
Knowing procedures to be followed
Progress and Adjustments
Policy reviewed in March 2019
Discussed with staff in May 2019
Ratified by B.O.M. May 2019
Targets Achieved
Teachers will engage in CPD on using Digital Technologies to create content along with the Léargas Partner School | Sourced and agreed upon date for September 2019 | Léargas Teachers Mr. Herron & Ms. Timoney under the direction of both Principals of Léargas Project | By June 2019 Training will have been arranged for September 2019. This will be paid for by Léargas | Tablets
Laptops Digital Projectors Whiteboard Cards On-line Tools |
Appropriate I.T.
Equipment will be sourced and purchased depending on funding available at that time |
April/June 2019
Sourcing and pricing |
Digital co-ordinator
School Secretary |
All will be in place by Mid-Term Break October 2019 | Anti-virus software
14 Tablets 8 Laptops Storing & Charging facilities |
Board will discuss and ratify Digital Learning Plan | June 2019 | Principal | Ratification and Communication | Digital Learning Plan |
By December 2019 – all Teachers will have used One Digital Tool to support the Teaching, Learning and Assessment process in their Class | All Staff and Pupils | Pupils will create one piece of Digital Content by December 2019 | |
For Example –Not prescriptive
Infant Level: Animation and student narration to retell a Fairy Story 1st & 2nd: Maths Trail in school grounds 3rd & 4th: Book review with narration by student 5th & 6th: Presentation and creation of Digital Presentation on a specific curriculum subject Pupils will share their Digital Content with other class groups and get feedback on it. |
December 2019 | Each pupil will create one piece of Digital Content based on the curriculum and share with an audience of younger/older students |
Staff will share their experiences using Digital Technologies in class with each other at end of year Staff Meeting, following training and at Christmas Staff Meeting | June 2019 – onwards | All Staff | Sharing good practice at whole staff end of year meeting. Record what tools have been used in each class shared with Board of Management |
The Digital Learning Team will meet and assess progress
October 2019 December 2019 |
June 2019 – onwards | Principal Digital Co-ordinator |
March 2019 – Plan completed and discussed at Staff Meeting
June 2019 – CPD organised with partner school, computer equipment sourced and purchased (see note 1)
December 2019 – CPD completed
Implementing objective, recording result ( Staff Discussion)
Discuss with Student Council
Discussion with staff, next priorities agreed upon for 2020
Domain: Learner Outcomes
STANDARD: Pupils have the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand themselves and their relationships
STATEMENTS: Pupils have a positive attitude towards the use of Digital Technologies being aware of possible risks and limitations, and have the confidence and skills to realise the benefits. Pupils can confidently protect their digital identity and manage their digital footprint.
TARGETS: Every pupil will use Digital Technologies to create their own content in one subject of the curriculum by year end December 2019.
Note 1** This is subject to the approval of our application for additional funding for I.T. equipment made to the Department of Education and Skills at the end of March 2019. No response has been received to date.