Opening Hours
School Opening Hours & Roll Call
Children will be admitted to the school building at 8.50 a.m. Class will begin at 9.00am.
Junior and Senior Infants will finish school at 1.30pm. Please be aware that younger children in particular get very upset if they are not collected on time. If you are sending another person to collect your child please inform the school of who that person is.
First-Sixth Class will finish school at 2.30pm.
Please note these opening and closing times carefully, as the Board of Management do not authorize children on school premises outside of these hours. Furthermore, children are not authorized to be on school premises during holiday times.
Admittance to School Building
Children are asked to line up in their class groups under the shelter i.ei. Junior & Senior Infants in one line, First Class to third Class in the second line and Fourth Class to Sixth Class in the third line. This has always been the routine so the children are familiar with this process.
Children are asked to join the end of their line as they arrive and wait until they are collected by their class teacher. Morning and evening times are not play times and therefore football is not permitted and children should remain at the front of the school.